Friday, July 23, 2010


This blog is being set up to summarize lessons in Church of the Savior's ("COTS," in Ambrige, PA) Catechesis Class, primarily for students who miss a class. This is an original curriculum, though it borrows from several resources. This first class (begun July 11, 2010) is a pilot program; we'll see how it goes and how it needs to be tweaked for future students. The plan is for the class to go a full year, but we got a bit of a late start, so we're going to try to get through all of the material in about 7 months. Not everyone in the class is expected to be confirmed--that is a decision the student, the teacher, and the student's mentor will make with the rector when the time comes--but for any who do wish to pursue confirmation, we hope to cover everything by the time the Bishop visits in February or March.

The first four sessions are somewhat introductory; students will be asked at the end of these whether or not they wish to officially enter the Catechumenate and commit to the full program (including mentoring). More on that in upcoming posts.

Anyone who is not in the class may feel free to follow along and make appropriate comments. I trust we will all learn a lot over the course of this program.


Director of Christian Formation
Church of the Savior
Ambridge, PA

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